Sleep Dentistry

Would you like to have all of your dental work completed in one setting while you are safely asleep?

We have done just that for thousands of patients for over three decades.  Safely and effectively.

Using a clinical team of dentists, anesthesiologist and assistant staff it is possible for you to reach your dental goals quickly and efficiently.  Dental restorations, extractions, root canals, crowns, gum care and implants can be provided while you are safely sleeping with IV sedation provided by an anesthesiologist. 

Anesthesiologist monitoring dental patient

Patients who benefit from IV sedation and single appointment dental care are:

Dental care phobia

Medically compromised

Patients requiring multiple doctor interaction

Physically challenged patients with access problems

A busy schedule that prevents multiple appointments


If you are one that can be helped with sleep dental care please call the office and we will be happy to help you.

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We can get you through it.

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